What if ?

Uncertainty is one of those things that is certainly present in human life. Paradoxical but true. Every morning when you get up, and you walk to the bathroom for damage control,(for some it’s definitely more work than you’ll ever imagine. Especially those that drool and they wake up with their pillows literally wet) ; you work by assumptions. You assume that when you brush your teeth they’ll be clean and fine. Have you ever imagined if you brushed your teeth and as you spit out; they all fall out? Imagine you staring at the mirror toothless, or answering to the people in school or at the office. With them wanting to know where your teeth are yet you had them all yesterday. The truth is you probably have never imagined this because we assume that since it has never happened it won’t happen. But what if you’re the first person to go through this, what if you’ll be the case study?

Okay, I think am losing a few important screws up there. But then again does anyone ever have them all tight and in perfect order? Don’t we all have that moment where we wonder why they call mats javs? Wasn’t mats enough for them? Did it make them ashamed to say their names in public so they all used “jav”on their instagram handles? Something like “That Rongai jav”

Most importantly would the world be a better place if Mwangi Kiunjuri could pronounce the word devolution instead of deforuchion?

You’re probably wondering where am heading with this post but the truth is i don’t know either. I am uncertain about it, just like anything else about me. I don’t know what will become of this blog in a few years time. Will guys check their inboxes every week just to see a notification from she is njeri? Will this blog have a voice of it’s own each time anyone reads anything they can tell who it is from? Will it survive the attacks from laziness that keep haunting me?

Most importantly when will Narok ever have a pizza inn for all of us broke millenials? I don’t think we can stand not posting pictures on Instagram with a box of pizza in the middle, yet sharing it among the thousand of us like the five loaves and two fish from the Bible any longer.

But this is life, we’ll never know these answers. I don’t know if I’ll still have my teeth (i seriously hope i will) tomorrow ;otherwise I would have to hide from Richie till i get dentures, neither am i sure that this post will make sense to anyone.

Most importantly,is there i way i can escape doing this research project i have been postponing for weeks, without droping out?

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